To the members of AAIM,
It is my great privilege to be the newly elected President of this society. I wish to extend my thanks to Mr Anthony Kyte and previous members of the AAIM executive council for their contributions in establishing the foundations from which we are determined to grow.
Our brand-new executive council is diverse and passionate; together we are driven towards establishing a meaningful portal for education and networking for professionals involved in intraoperative neurophysiology.
The central guiding principle of my tenure as President will be centred around ‘discovery’. Of particular relevance to these concepts is a quote from Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi;
“Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different”.
Whilst there are numerous goals of the society, it is my personal mission to institute the following with our executive council, and with the support of our members;
Distinguish the society as a viable and an independent source of education, information and networking for professionals involved in intraoperative neurophysiology.
Increase the exposure for neuroscientists, medical practitioners and healthcare professionals in APAC to discover principles and practice of intraoperative neurophysiology.
Encourage those actively engaged in intraoperative neurophysiology in APAC to work towards peer-reviewed publication and encourage collaborative partnerships between institutions.
To explore the translational skills of neurophysiologists as it relates to brain computer interfaces and neuromodulation technologies, which are developed as part of multidisciplinary teams.
With regards to intraoperative neurophysiology, discovery is now more pertinent than ever. With (probably) less than 200 healthcare professionals involved in IONM in Australia, there is a significant opportunity for the development of a scientific society that is built upon the sharing of knowledge and experience devoid of industry influences to establish best practice techniques that improve patient outcomes.
AAIM will be opportunist. As clinical research and development gravitates towards the refinement of neurophysiological techniques for clinical and therapeutic use, neurophysiologists and other healthcare professionals engaged in intraoperative neurophysiology are more relevant and industrious than ever before.
AAIM will be proactive. We must recognise the experience of individuals and groups throughout Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States, to tailor their learnings towards unified practices in public and private healthcare systems in Asia Pacific regions.
AAIM will be transparent. We will establish best-practice standards and guidelines without bias and without influence of industry.
I hope everyone is staying safe and well during these difficult times, and I look forward to engaging with each of you as we work towards high- quality education and networking opportunities for all members. Exciting projects are under development. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries.
Ryan P. Hamer
President, INSA